Charlie St. Cloud

Charlie St. Cloud, a movie about the blessing of life and your destiny in it. This movie reminds me to be grateful for everyone and everything in this world. Because for Charlie, his brother’s life was gone through one stop sign. Some may not, but I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. No matter what or how many obstacles you face, you should pursue what you have an instinct for, and feel is right. Love and life can begin and end in a blink of an eye. So, Charlie St. Cloud makes me passionate to find my destiny in life and to pursue what I love and have a great love for life while I still have it.

            If I am being honest, the thing that drew me to watch Charlie St. Cloud in the first place was Zac Efron. Of course, if the main actor was not Zac Efron, I’m sure it still would have been a great movie. However, I have always had a liking for him because I grew up watching him in High School Musical. So, one day I looked up Zac Efron movies and Charlie St. Cloud was one of the first movies that showed up. So, I decided to watch the movie, and as you can see, I absolutely loved it. I am grateful that I have watched it because it makes me think differently about life. If I had not watched the movie, I don’t think I would have had the same thoughts and feelings today.
           One of my favorite things about this movie is how it is happy, touching, and sad all at the same time. This movie makes me cry because it is very heart breaking. However, it is made in a way to where it is a very sad moment, but you feel happy that it is happening at the same time. Also, the movie doesn’t completely thrive on the death of Charlie’s brother. It also shows the background to Charlie and his brother Sam’s relationship beforehand. They also add in a girl that Charlie likes, and he finds                                                          his destiny because of this. Although I have watched this move                                                              many times, it gives me the chills every time I watch it.
           As I had stated before, this movie makes me grateful for my life and the people I love’s lives. This movie proves how death can really take a toll on a person; however, they can push through it. Everyone has a destiny or something they are made to do in life, and this movie proves it. So, in the end, I highly recommend you watch this movie and I believe that you will change after watching this movie just like I did.


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