Emoji Story

One day, my friends and I decided to walk around town. We were very surprised when we saw a dancer dancing around the streets. She was wearing a red dress and she kept doing lots of spins. We sat there watching her and we were starting to get a little dizzy just from watching her spin. Also, the music that was playing was not in our language, it was in Spanish. The music was blasting in our ears and it was horrible.
However, the music did have a good beat in which the dancer could dance to. So, we decided to lay down, and as we lye down, everything starting twisting. All I could see was rapidly twisting clouds in the sky. I started to get quite a bit worried. So, I tried to relax and close my eyes. However, that did not help.
The next thing I remember was a police officer shaking me awake. To this day, I do not know what happened to my friends and me that day. So, there is still some suspicion in our minds that that occurrence happened for a reason. However, you cannot tell a story through accusations so, we will forever wonder what really did occur. 


  1. Loved this story Maliah, you painted the scenes with your descriptive words.

    1. Coach Carole,
      I am very appreciative of your feedback. I made sure to focus on descriptive writing to be able to paint the picture. I am glad you saw this throughout my blog. I hope you enjoyed it!
      - Maliah


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