Veteran's Day Essay

Why are veterans special?
          I can only imagine leaving family behind … and going headfirst into the unknown possibilities of war. It is impossible for me to put myself in veterans’ shoes and try to understand their feelings and their suffering. I believe that all of the courageous things that I have done and will do in my lifetime will never add up to one strand of veterans’ courage and bravery. Let’s all remember that the reason they put their lives in danger was for us. To all of us in this room, these courageous veterans put their lives at stake to ensure that we are safe, and that we have a happy and free life. And we should be forever grateful for that. We should never fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning not thinking about the people who made this happen. We would not be the people we are, or possibly not even here today without veterans. So, their incredible actions should be well appreciated.
            All veterans have characteristics within them that are indescribable. There are 1,022,000 words in the English Language, and of those words, there are only 8 that I believe are worthy and powerful enough to describe and spell out a veteran.
Valiant. The definition of valiant is to possess or show         courage or determination.
            Empathetic- showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
            Thoughtful- showing consideration for the needs of other people.
            Extraordinary- something very unusual or remarkable.
            Reliable- consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
            Audacious- showing a willingness to take bold risks.
            Noble- having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideas.
            Selfless- concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own; unselfish.
            All of these words describe veterans. Whether you realized it or not, the first letter of these words figuratively and literally spell out a veteran. V for valiant. E for empathetic. T for thoughtful. E for extraordinary. R for reliable. A for audacious. N for noble. And lastly, S for selfless. Veterans are all of those things. And I know that not everyone is born with these characteristics, that is why veterans are so special.
            Thank you, to all of you veterans, for keeping my country and me safe. I would not be able to be here today, reading this essay without your outstanding service. From the veterans who get to stand here today, to the veterans who were unable to make it back home, you should know, you are an American hero in my heart and everyone else’s.


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