The New Year

Last year for me was the year of becoming really close with my friends. Since we are older now, our parents are more lenient of when and where we are. So, now we are able to hang out on a daily basis without having our parents hold us back. And that has really helped us create a very tight bond with one another. This year for me will be the year of focusing on sports. This year I am really going to put all of my time and effort into practicing sports. However, this can be very difficult sometimes when you want a break. However, I believe if you are not hard enough on yourself, you won't see the improvement that you are hoping for. So, my 2020 will be devoted to practicing and playing volleyball, softball, and basketball. And as my travel coach always says, "The sport never ends, it always begins once the season is over." Basically this means that you never stop practicing and playing whatever sport it is no matter wh...